Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Election getting closer.

I have done some canvassing inthe area, and a lot of people are concerned about the LDF. This is an issue i will be putting in the next leaflet.
Got my next leaflet out now, and the election address look good.
People seem to be supportive and hopefully the right result will come out on 3rd May!!

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Around Otham.

Gave out some more leaflets, in Otham this time. Spoke to a number of people, and one gentleman mentioned how at the moment all youngsters are tarnished with the same brush, and that anti social behaviour is not as much of an issue as it is made out to be. Comments about the noise from hedge trimmers and lawnmowers being as disruptive as motorbikes were very interesting. Maybe someone with a younger mind set, could listen to both sides with a more balanced view?

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Leaflets away!

First round of posting leaflets today. It went quite well with a number of roads done. Called into the Chemist to see what issues they have picked up on. They commented on the teenagers hanging around the shops, but could understand why, as they have nothing to do in the area. This is definately something i want to do for the ward, give young people more to do.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Early Doors!

I have just picked up my first batch of leaflets, and it seems quite funny having my face on a thousand leaflets. Spoke to a couple of Downswood residence and they seem keen on my campaign, which is a good sign. One of them mentioned that residential parking was sometimes an issue. It will be interesting to see if this comes up in other parts.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Representative of Downswood and Otham.

I am going to be a dad!
This means i have being doing lots of the mundane things that come with being a new parent.
One of the things which seems to be a real issue amongst parents is the price of childcare. Families need to work because of the mortgage, and i feel that nursery is good for the development of children. But my wife and I now have to way up the cost of going back to work or not. I am sure there will be more headaches ahead, in more ways than one.
I just hope that i get the opportunity to make Downswood and Otham, and Maidstone a safe, friendly, prosporous place for our son or daugther to grow up in.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Council Nomination

I have just been through the selection process to become the conservative candidate for the May local elections in Maidstone, contesting the ward of Downswood and Otham. As i have been a member of the party for a few years, it seemed the perfect opportunity to take my interest in politics that one step further.
I am going to keep this blog up to date with what i have been doing in terms of getting ready for the election, and using it as a forum for discussions about policy in the election, and my beliefs inparticular. I would really like it if people told me what their concerns are in the Downswood and Otham area, and i could discuss some of the ways i would help to bring these issue to the forefront of the agenda within the council if i was elected.
I am particularly concerned with the number of young people who loiter by the shops in Downswood, and the safety of both drivers and pedestrians getting onto and across Willington Street. I would aim to do something about this if elected.
I hope we can get into discussions about different ideas, and that people of all political persuasions will play an active part in the run up to the elections.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Why do policticians speak no sense.

I have just watched question time and i was appalled with Hilary Armstrong. Why is it that they can not answer questions, and be open about what has happened. If she had said that 'yes, troops are causing some problems, but we have to make sure that the government of iraq is in a stronger position before we come out'. Then people would have had more respect for that position, even if they don't agree with the policy.
The people have elected these politicians (all 30% of the population, meaning the government have about 35% share of 30% of the population!) and are accountable to the electorate, and should therefore make more effort to take us along with them.